dead drop

1. a pause.jpg


I'm thrilled to announce that on the 4th May, 2017 my first solo exhibition will be opening at the gorgeous Mailbox Art Space in the gallery precinct of Flinders Lane, Melbourne. 

This work is titled Dead Drop, and it's a specially-created iteration of "Close Observations of a Single Subject", featuring subtle, poetic stills from the short film, elements of the original film script re-imagined as poetry, and a quietly chilling sequence of stills from footage that never made it into the final cut. 

From the Mailbox website: 

Dead Drop explores secret, physical and visual observations of women and their bodies. It is a meditation on relationships between the surveillance state, domestic violence, feminism, terror and power. The work takes the form of fragmented still frames and prose from the artist’s short film Close Observations of a Single Subject (2016), an investigation into the complex relationships that women in positions of power have with the lives and bodies of other women. 

This project uses the John Le Carré-esque trope of the existentialist spy novel genre to explore the concept of the violation of the female body; the female body as a subtler, more poetic metaphor for the body politic, and the erosion of human rights with increasing mass surveillance and data retention. The act of spying functions as a conduit for the observation and objectification of the woman’s body in public space. 

Opening night: Thursday 4 May, 6-8pm

4th - 27th May, 2017
141 Flinders Lane
Melbourne, 3000


boundaries, bimodal work and a new booth.


archive - questions / practice