Make room for it all.
from Y. (2006), image: Bronwyn Pringle
Make room for it all.
Clear the way for the fathoms that will be filled.
You can not possibly hold it all if the container is rigid and fixed.
Be amorphous. Tender.
Let your surface be sheer; elastic.
Make room for it all.
The crying, the trembling.
Every time your refusal
to abbreviate the message is misunderstood,
Tune your ear to every tiny internal fluctuation;
each minute shift in melody; drone.
Every whisper, each soft moan.
Make room for it all.
The unpleasant truths,
the uncomfortable.
The visions
no matter how wild,
how fragmented.
No matter how terrifying.
Be prepared to sacrifice the
easy and safe;
be prepared to lose allies,
to lie down alone,
to face ridicule whose stink fixes to your shirt
until you wretch.
I'm sorry to say this, but you must.
Anything else would be
a refusal of the Work.
Your Pythian duty is not to
tell the rich man what he wants to hear.
Your duty is the frenzy.
You will hold court and send souls
to the fire with your truth if you must.
You must.
Make room for it all.