To fill the container.
Image: Uta Barth
Back home, launching into the edit of my most recently shot film, I've begun the inevitable dive into concepts for the next.
I've set myself the challenge of making bold, new work that retains its curiosity and artistic rigour whilst working swiftly, and on less than no budget. A crew of basically me & the gear I already own.
A bigger challenge still is finding content to fill the form. It's not that I'm anti-story (I'm not), it's just that I find form so much more interesting and often my attempts at creating content so clumsy. So naïve.
Perhaps the biggest challenge of all is allowing that to be what it is. To be crap and confused at content. To score, design, architect form: visual composition; aural rhythm; temporal structure until the container finds the matter that fills it - somehow - as if the shape wills the story into itself.