Letting the work settle.

by Nicholas Coghlan

by Nicholas Coghlan

Deadlines have flooded in lately, which means the filmmaking work has gone on semi-hold. It's almost a good thing, because I was pushing very hard for an outcome, and suddenly, after a two-day break, I realised it needed time to really settle itself down a bit. 

Heading into audiobook and voiceover land for the next couple of weeks - with time in-between to rewrite (and rewrite); and I'm also very excited to say I'm doing a Pecha Kucha presentation in Melbourne this coming Friday 20th Feb (for Pecha Kucha's birthday /annual global night). Details are here and here. I'll be talking about the phenomena of "seeing" and "being seen", how these affect our collective understanding of ourselves and then impact the stories we tell.


Accepting the darkness.


Cinema as Sorcery