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Ferreting around for keys into this new work, I'm rediscovering Sophie Calle's "Prenez Soin de Vous" / Take Care of Yourself

A lot of men don't like Sophie Calle, I have discovered. Thank god my husband's not one of them. An ex-boyfriend of mine however hated her. Loathed her with a violent passion. He was French. I wonder whether that had something to do with it. She disgusted him. He thought she was "anti-men". 

Sophie Calle is one of those artists who sits for me somewhere at the intersection of Nan Goldin, Tracey Emin and Francesca Woodman. She uses her own life as a palette from which to paint, but abstracts it somewhat, until the melancholy nostalgia of the idiosyncrasies of her stories take on a kind of magic realist quality. They almost, but don't quite, become animated on their own - to move about in the world at their will. 

These images are of Nursery School Teacher, Laure Guy's interpretation of Calle's ex-lover's break-up letter to her which is the subject of Take Care...


Losing the plot. Finding the picture.

